Thank you for your interest in joining our lab. There are different opportunities to the following professionals and students’ categories:


You can apply through the University of São Paulo’s systems, or direct consultation if you wish to participate as a special student.

Sustainable Fisheries –  For more information please contact IOUSP Serviço de Graduação
Fisheries Oceanography – For more information please contact IOUSP  Serviço de Pós-Graduação 
Sustainable Fisheries Systems - For more information please contact IOUSP Serviço de Graduação
Fishery Biology - For more information please contact IOUSP Serviço de Graduação


Visiting professor/researcher

There are currently several calls and opportunities to visiting professors and researchers from abroad.



Post-doctoral researcher

There are currently several calls and opportunities to post-doctoral researchers from abroad.



Short international visits

There are currently opportunities for short visits from researchers from abroad with the aim of: setting collaborations, conducting specific research topics, writing and drafting papers, comparative analysis, lectures, courses, workshops, and research outreach.


Doctoral work

We have been working with and preparing PhD students that are highly motivated, enthusiastic and collaborative with the whole lab’s activities. While we encourage and require scientific publication during PhD candidature, we are very proud of producing high quality and international level research at the doctoral level. Candidates should apply through the norms of the IOUSP graduate program however a previous contact and training within the lab are encouraged.


Masters students

We have been working with and preparing MSc students that are highly enthusiastic and self-motivated. While we encourage scientific publication of MSc students, we are very proud of producing high quality and international level research at the Masters level. Candidates should apply through the norms of the IOUSP graduate program however a previous contact and training within the lab are encouraged.


Field assistantships

We conduct fieldwork in fishing communities, fishery landing sites, protected areas, coastal municipalities and at sea work onboard research vessels. We are happy to receive assistants interested in helping or in gaining experience. Keep in mind that Portuguese-speaking is essential to fieldwork across coastal Brazil.


Work study

Professionals, students, and NGOs members may volunteer or intern in LabPesq. Please contact coordinator for checking availability.


Internships for undergraduate students

Undergraduate students can participate in ongoing projects (research or outreach) as part of the internship program or for developing BSc research projects. Please contact coordinator for checking availability.
